Discover how senior living compares to living at home.

For most families, cost is a key factor when deciding your senior living options. To help you understand how the cost of senior living may compare to your current costs, we have created a senior living calculator.

By using this calculator, you’ll be able to compare:

  • Your current cost at-home expenses
  • Average national monthly in-home senior care costs
  • The type of care options you think will be a fit for you or your family member

While these costs are just estimates, hopefully this can prepare you for what to expect in terms of the cost of senior living.

Try our free tool today by completing the form.

Don't worry - We know that sharing your personal information is scary, but we want to let you know two things: 

1. We'll never share your information with anyone, ever. We promise. 

2. Any data you enter into the calculator is not passed to our team. You can choose to share your results with us later, but we're not automatically seeing anything you input.