Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at The Arbor Company

As renewed questions of racial justice grip our country, we've been compelled to take a deeper, longer, more honest look at ourselves and our company. For more than thirty years, we have prided ourselves on our Arbor Company culture. But as we consider more closely the demographic data and the shared experience of all Arbor people, we found numerous opportunities to create a more just company, a place where all people feel valued and included.

We are proud of the work we do each day to care for seniors but we are honest about the racially imbalanced and often undervalued history of caregiving in this country. We can’t change history but we can change the future.

At The Arbor Company, we are committed to building a company where everyone can thrive. To do so, we must support racial equity through a focus on greater racial diversity within our leadership teams while adopting anti-racist practices to improve the work experience for all people. In light of our national history, we are particularly called to improve the opportunities and experience for Black people within our company and we are committed to building a work culture where all people feel seen, heard, and respected at all times.

Our Commitments

We have made five commitments to ourselves and each other. 

  1. We will increase the racial diversity of community and corporate leaders with a focus on identifying Black leaders.

  2. We will create routine opportunities for people to provide feedback on their experience of work at The Arbor Company including any experiences or concerns with racism.

  3. We will create a learning environment which includes universal training for essential anti-racist skills as well as options for those who want to grow and learn about all aspects of race, racial identity, and racism.

  4. We will create opportunities for all staff to have regular one-on-one supportive conversations with leaders to reflect on their work and future goals.

  5. We will reflect routinely on our progress toward greater racial equity and inclusion and publish those progress reports for all Arbor people.

We are committed to continued conversations and sustaining the initiatives we have put in place. We recognize diversity, equity, and inclusion must be ongoing topics of discussion, and we are constantly focused on keeping them at the forefront of our business discussions and decisions.