Frequently Asked Questions
What assisted living services are available at Arbor Terrace East Cobb?
When you move into the assisted living community at Arbor Terrace East Cobb, you have access to a variety of services and amenities to make life easier. We provide luxurious dining, a senior-friendly design, concierge services, fitness programs, laundry and housekeeping services, and transportation.
Are assisted living apartments furnished at Arbor Terrace East Cobb?
Before you transition into the assisted living community at Arbor Terrace East Cobb, you will need to move into your apartment. The assisted living apartments do not come fully furnished, so you will need to bring your pieces of furniture.
We encourage residents to make their apartments feel like home by bringing pieces they love and cherish. Ensure you bring the necessities, such as a bed, dresser, sofa, table and chairs, etc.
How do you know when it's time to move to an assisted living community in Marietta, GA?
No one wants to give up their independence, which is why it can be difficult to make the decision to move into a senior living community. The good news is that assisted living communities in Marietta, GA, still allow you to enjoy your retirement while being independent.
You should consider this option if you start to require daily assistance with certain activities. You may struggle with personal care or have difficulties driving or caring for your home. At Arbor Terrace East Cobb, our assisted living community provides basic amenities with around-the-clock caregivers.
Who is a good fit for assisted living in Georgia?
An assisted living community in Georgia is the perfect option for seniors who need help with certain daily tasks. This community allows you to remain independent while providing you with caregivers who can help you with things like personal care and getting from one place to another. Assisted living is not ideal for seniors who require more extensive care or have progressed memory problems.
Are assisted living expenses tax deductible?
Many seniors can take advantage of the IRS's medical expense tax deductions. Although not all assisted living expenses are tax deductible, certain medical or caregiving expenses can fall into this category, which can help you cover your assisted living bills.